Friday, November 4, 2011

Me time

This has taken me way too long to really figure out, if you ask my husband I always spread myself too thin. In the past at least, he has been totally correct. "Me time" is something I am trying to remedy in my life and it doesn't take much to accomplish some quality time with myself.

Lately I've been hanging out with my dogs, and trying to get my husband to go on walks with us. Tomorrow I will "run", yes that is is quotes for a reason, a 5K with a friend of mine and I am very excited. It doesn't take much for me to get the break and release I need from work, a movie will often do the trick and a walk with the dogs before sunset.

I do NOT grade every night, and yes I ultimately end up with a stack of stuff to grade, but if I were to grade every night I'd never have a chance to just be home. That one has taken me a LONG time to figure out.

The biggest thing I've learned is to make some time for myself, it keeps my work life healthy and my home life healthy.

Find some time for yourself this weekend, I promise the world will not fall down around your ankles and your kids will not forget everything you've taught them if you don't spend all weekend grading or planning. Enjoy the fall weather (at least here it is fall weather) and watch the sunset this weekend.

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