Monday, October 31, 2011

Earning your cape

With Halloween here I've been thinking about super heroes, of course I actually think about super heroes all the time and I'm pretty sure I know some pretty well.

As teachers, we are super heroes although we do not all fit into the same category. Here is my theory, (and there is absolutely no research to back this up except my love of pop culture), some of us are like Superman, some like Batman and some like Captain America. True it would be awesome to be any one of them, in shape, lovely to behold and with amazing strength.

Who is to say we aren't already like that? Sure we may not physically be in shape but our minds are sharp. To those we teach well we are the loveliest people on the planet. Our amazing strength? Shouldn't that be obvious?

Those teachers who seem to have been born for the classroom are like Superman. They cannot do anything about it, it is their destiny. Some teachers are like Batman, they know they want to teach but have to train a lot to get good at it. They spend hours and hours doing their job and someone still manage to maintain a standing position in front of their classes. Others are like Captain America, they weren't really sure what they were getting into when they signed up for the job but knew it was the right choice. The Captain America teachers have needed lots of help from those around them to become who they want to be (if you are a huge Captain America fan and I got something wrong please forgive me).

Even though we are not all the same type of super hero we are all working for the greater good. We do however have to earn our capes and I for one want to work for that cape, I don't want someone to just hand it to me and let me get tangled in it.

Happy Halloween and keep working towards those capes!

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