Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring has Sprung!

As I sit in my empty classroom, all of my students are off at spring sports competitions, I can't help but feel overwhelmed. Finishing my second semester as a doctoral student, preparing my seniors for graduation and ultimately moving away to college and hoping to continue to affect positive change for those who will be in my classroom next year is proving heavy this spring. All I really want to do is enjoy the weather and stare at the mountains with the sun shining on them. Alas, I am a much better student AND teacher than that! My biggest struggle is currently finding articles for a literature review for one of my classes. My review is supposed to be related to my dissertation topic, which makes sense, BUT there seems to be very little research in that vein. My prof said I should read at least 50 articles before I really start writing and exploring the themes....that is amazingly hard! I can't find a whole lot of articles and I feel like this paper might win :(